Mitomo's Face Masks

Most of The Amazing Blog team swear by a weekly face mask. It’s our (not so) secret method of maintaining a clear complexion, but equally, is a ritual we don’t always have the patience for. This was until we discovered Mitomo, a brand producing sheet face masks packed full of goodness. For the past month or so, a weekly face mask has been firmly back in our regime!

Mitomo provide high-quality beauty and healthcare products, with ingredients sourced from Japan. We tried their innovative Eye Masks (see here) in January, so were keen to see whether our face masks would live up to the hype. The verdict? We were highly impressed, and although we don't like to speak for others, we know we’re not the only one in the office to have snaffled a few extras to take home! We tried three of their face masks: Hyaluronic + Lithospermum, Q10 + Lithospermum and Collagen + Lithospermum - all part of their Essence Mask collection.

The Hyaluronic + Lithospermum Essence Mask is a hydrating and anti-ageing solution for your skin. Hyaluronan is a highly moisturising ingredient, injecting your skin with much-needed plumpness, thus decreasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Lithospermum, on the other hand, is a plant extract well documented as soothing and antiseptic. The combination of these two ingredients left our skin feeling supple, less inflamed and smoother; making for a brighter and clearer complexion. We were also big fans of the Q10 + Lithospermum Essence Mask, a profoundly anti-ageing mask, enriched with Coenzyme Q10. It regenerates the skin, working well on deep-set wrinkles, and as with all three masks, it cools and soothes even sensitive skin. The added bonus? They are eco-friendly and all masks are made solely from bamboo.

Finally, the Collagen + Lithospermum Essence Mask proved effective at making skin more elastic, promoting skin renewal and smoothing imperfections. We noticed a decrease in mild acne scarring from the first use, as this masks help to plump up the skin; simply apply for 20-30 minutes (the same with all three masks) and once removed, pat any excess product into the skin. We recommend using each mask before bed, for a glowing and refreshed complexion. To try these anti-ageing gems for yourself, visit the Mitomo website here, where a pack of 10 masks are from £27 and an individual mask is available from £2.99.