firming cream

Swissdermyl - professional skincare

As you all know, we love brands that create products that are designed to target specific skin concerns. So when all of us at The Amazing Blog discovered the brand Swissdermyl we were more than just a little excited to sample the different ranges they have available. With over 30 years of experience and good old-fashioned research, Swissdermyl has discovered unique formulas and some of the best ingredients to create an advanced professional skincare. With a combination of plant extracts, essential oils and Swiss scientific technology, it is no surprise that Swissdermyl is known as a high-performance skincare brand. 

The first two products we sampled were Swissdermyl's Skin Renewal Cream and the Skin Renewal Serum which have been crafted to alleviate and lift dry and dull skin. Both of these products use AHA as a key ingredient. This is fantastic news for anyone with blemishes from having been a spotty adolescent. AHA acts as an exfoliant to lift and remove scars helping lead to clearer and brighter skin. The unique formulas create long-term results, in part due to the Glycerol acid giving the products a deeper range of actions, in particular regulating and increasing cell growth for firmer, stronger skin. We suggest using the serum before bed allowing the gel-like formula to soak in, then use the cream in the morning to refresh your skin for the day. Alongside these two products, we tried the Firming Serum and Firming Moisturiser. A similar idea to the skin renewal cream, using one before bed and the other in the morning to firm the skin by tightening, smoothing and restoring elasticity.

The second range we tried was the Swissdermyl’s Day Range which includes Radiance Day ProtectionIntense Day Protection, and 1st Wrinkle Day Protection. The Radiance Day Protection effortlessly absorbed into our skin and brought a youthful radiance and glow back that is often lost through ageing. The Intense Day Protection, with a very light texture, is a multifunctional cream which supports and protects the skin’s hydration levels and should be used daily to garner the best results. Due to its particular formula the 1st Wrinkle Day Cream has potent anti-oxidant properties that shields skin from free radical damage. Thankfully this is suitable for all skin types and what we love it for is its instant smoothing effect. Last but not least, we tried the Multi-Vitamin Serum, which is a mix of powerful ingredients. The Vitamin C acts as an anti-oxidant to aid in neutralising free radical damage, while Vitamins A and F hydrate the epidermis and Vitamins B5 and B6 support cellular metabolism. This Multi-Vitamin Serum is great for brightening the skin, and penetrates the skin’s dermis quickly.

There is a different skincare regime to match every skin type or issue.  We suggest that you contact your nearest salon, which stocks this professional skincare range of Swissdermyl to have the experience and find out which are the best products for your complexion.  To search for your nearest salon click here.