Let the detox begin...

If you are still nursing the remains of your New Years Eve hangover and the thought of beginning your 2012 gym regime is the last thing on your mind, why not ease yourself into your January detox with something needing a little less, well… effort.

Matcha green tea from Teapigs, dubbed the “superhero” amongst teas, is a super-concentrated, 100% natural, organic green tea powder packed full of antioxidants and nutrients. Unlike traditional green tea where the leaves are discarded once used, Matcha is drunk as a fine powder diffused in liquid so you are drinking the whole leaf and consume every last bit of goodness. Matcha tea has been drunk in Japan as part of the tea ceremony for almost 900 years and is even used by Buddhist monks to keep them alert, awake and focused during long days of meditation. One serving contains 70 times the antioxidants of orange juice and 9 times the beta-carotene of Spinach. It can also help increase metabolism by 30-40% and will provide a sustained release of energy for 3-6 hours. So, pour yourself a cup of Matcha tea and let the detox begin!

Matcha green tea can be purchased from the website here and to give you an added incentive the lovely people at Teapigs are offering a 20% off discount when you enter the promotional code MATCHAMAN (make sure you use capitals).