Style Me Vintage - Tea Parties

blog template If there's an absolute must-have drink at The Amazing Blog’s HQ that has to be tea, no doubt. As soon as we arrive to the office in the morning we turn the kettle on and choose our own favourite mugs – by the end of the day there’s a pile of them sitting on our desks…

As tea lovers, we were very excited to come across with Style Me Vintage Tea Parties: A Guide to Hosting Perfect Vintage Parties. A beautifully designed book that gives you tips and some key recipes when hosting your own tea party.

Betty Blythe, the autor of this cute book, thinks that throwing a tea party is as much about the styling as the food and drink – in this book she attaches equal importante to each. The book is splitted into themed parties, each section guides you through the key ingredients needed to style your own tea party. From how to dress the table, design your invitations, create an era-appropriate drink to key recipes and costume ideas. Style Me Vintage Tea Parties is a perfect party-planning treat.

This small book is beautifully designed and very easy to follow. If you feel creative and want to offer your friends a different plan, we definitely recommend you throwing a Tea Party with Betty Blyhte’s help.

Style Me Vintage Tea Parties is published by Pavilio. You can purchase this fabulous book from Amazon and Waterstones.