Beverly Hills Formula - Perfect White Sensitive Toothpaste

Here at The Amazing Blog, we’re always looking for ways to brighten our smile. With coffee, red wine and other teeth-staining foods, it often feels like we’ll never achieve the pearly whites that we really want. So when Beverly Hills Formula sent over their Perfect White Sensitive Toothpaste, we were keen to start brushing our way to the perfect Hollywood smile.

Helping to lift those pesky surface stains that come from drinking a little too much tea; the Freshmint flavoured paste contains Hydrated Silica, perfect for getting us closer to a brighter smile. Formulated for sensitive teeth, it also contains Potassium Citrate, so that you can still enjoy hot and cold treats without waiting for the pain to kick in. As most whitening kits increase sensitivity, a toothpaste that helps to combat both issues is a godsend in our eyes.

Beverley Hills Formula also pride themselves in the low abrasion factor of their products, helping to protect your teeth whilst you brush. We just used the toothpaste as we would any other, and have noticed that our smiles are looking a little lighter! Hopefully we will have polished our gnashers to pearly perfection in no time at all, but at least for now, we know we’re tackling our sensitivity issues.

Look after your smile with the Perfect White Sensitive Formula, buy it here for £4.99.