Elm Rd - Amira Studio Reed Diffuser

This week’s post comes to you hotfoot from the striking opulence and intricate palatial architecture of the Middle East, and the arid desert landscapes … at The Amazing Blog are immersing ourselves in the sultry, smoky enclaves of heat, perhaps with some billowing linen providing a breath of air in the background, amidst all the grandeur, both faded and vibrant, but always intoxicating. Are we going overboard with the visuals here, or are we simply buying into the founding ethos behind Elm Rd.’s   fragrance range of candles and reed diffusers wholeheartedly? 

Elm Road is a company with their manufacturing base in Kent, and is the brainchild of Miguel Ángel, who had been living the corporate life of imbalance whilst working as a shoe designer when he had a moment of clarity in a San Franciscan park. Exhausted from the rigours of his busy schedule, the aromas of the eucalyptus, pine and cypress trees enveloped him and transported him to another time and place - one where memories and reminiscences helped to restore and heal, ultimately enabling him to make the huge decision to overhaul his life completely. Happily for Miguel - and indeed for us all - this turning point marked the beginning of Elm Rd, and his new venture of creating extraordinarily effective triggers to help us all slowdown and indulge a slower pace for however long we can all allow ourselves to escape.

We are focusing on Elm Rd.’s Amira Studio Reed Diffuser here, but there are a whole host of similarly indulgent concoctions to check out too. Amira Studio though is a heady blend of pure essential oils of mandarin, oud and geranium, conjuring up the ambiance of Arabian Night-like tales of romance and intrigue; combining the sumptuous aromas of frankincense with citrus and floral undertones. Whilst this fragrance has a strength to it from those base notes, it is not overpowering, but the ensuing subtle botanical aroma is just enough to sustain our journey of recollection back.

This stylish Amira Studio reed diffuser comes in 100ml, which is priced at £38 from here. All the ingredients are plant-based, paraben-free, and vegan-friendly with an eco-friendly diffuser base. The 100ml option should last between 3 and 4 months depending on the season and of course room temperature. Go on spoil yourself and be transported to more exotic climes with this intoxicating aroma.