Intelligent: Enzyme Toothpaste & Mouthwash


As brushing teeth is a ritual that we all do at least twice a day, for us, finding a good quality toothpaste and mouthwash is paramount. At The Amazing Blog, we’ve already reviewed many different oral products here. However, today we are featuring Intelligent’s cutting-edge range of natural enzyme based toothpastes and mouthwashes.

Intelligent is an oral care brand based in Taiwan since 2004, and what sets them apart from other oral care companies is that they use natural enzymes in their products. These all contain four natural enzymes and lactoferrin, which can effectively restore the oral saliva antimicrobial power and ecological balance for better oral health. The Intelligent products “adhere to the use of natural extracts of food-grade raw materials, safe and non-toxic ingredients and the use of healthy saliva to improve oral problems.” The toothpastes and mouthwashes contain saliva enzymes, which strengthen the saliva function — including amylase, glucose oxidase, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, lactoferrin, and pearl powder. The amylase reduces tartar formation, the glucose oxidase decomposes sugar, the lactoperoxidase removes dental plaque, the lysozyme fights bad breath, the lactoferrin is antibacterial, and the pearl powder supplies nutrition. The brand‘s range includes toothpastes for adults, kids, pets and pregnant women, as well as toothbrushes and mouthwashes. Intelligent’s Natural Enzymes Toothpaste won the Pure Beauty Awards London 2020 Silver and a Reddot Award in 2016. In addition, Intelligent founded the Yixue Education Foundation for Ideal Competence, which contributes to children’s oral education. 

Intelligent sent us a selection of their Natural Enzymes Toothpastes. The three featured are the Fresh Mint, Fresh Cool Mint, and For Pregnant Women. Did you know that 90% of oral problems are caused by dental plaque? This is where saliva enzymes have the power to actively dispose of dental plaque, where the biological cleaning mechanism of saliva is known to be more effective than traditional toothpastes. These Natural Enzymes Toothpastes clean and protect the enamel, whiten teeth, and treat bad breath, periodontal disease, and mouth ulcers (see the test report for these here). The toothpaste For Pregnant Women contains pearl collagen, vitamin B6, and vitamin B9, all of which have benefits for expecting mothers and even has a test report here on the ingredients. The pearl collagen prevents calcium deficiency and cramps, vitamin B6 soothes vomiting symptoms, and vitamin B9 is an important nutrient for the baby’s development. Intelligent recommends dry brushing with their toothpastes, as wetting the toothpaste will dilute the ingredients and make the toothpaste less effective. The Fresh Mint and Cool Mint also claim to breakdown bacteria, reduce gingivitis and plaque. In addition to the toothpastes, Intelligent also sent us two of their Natural Enzymes Mouthwashes in Mint and Tea. Intelligent’s mouthwashes again have various natural enzymes which help to relieve gum discomfort and improve mouth ulcers as it has a “biogenesis enzymatic clean formula.” They recommend using the mouthwash every day together with one of their Natural Enzymes Toothpastes. Although this is not your go-to cheap toothpaste brand, Intelligent has been in the business of oral hygiene for over 15 years and has proven research and high quality ingredients in their oral care products. What we like about all these products is that they are natural, taste delicious and deliver results. And yes, we think they are worth the investment. To purchase the Natural Enzymes Toothpastes see here from Amazon at £23. The Natural Enzymes Mouthwashes here from their website for $20.