Ogilvy's Honey

Have you ever wondered why we seem to pay more attention to our coffees and teas rather than what we add to them? Though UK consumers take pride in our milk and sugars, we at The Amazing Blog believe that honey is one of the most highly underrated sweeteners used every single day. Now that our friends at Ogilvy’s honey have sent us a wide selection of mouth watering flavours, we feel as though our sugar days may be completely over.

We were happy to receive the Honey Tasting Collection gift box, for it features a unique assortment of honey: Balkan Linden, Zambezi Plains, New Zealand Rainforest, and Himalayan Highlands. After sampling a selection of each individual flavour, we were intrigued to discover where each honey was sourced and how it was all prepared.

The Balkan Linden is found in the southern Danube in Serbia and extracted from Linden tree nectar, allowing it to feel airy and be light in strength. The Zambezi Plains flavour is found in the remote Miombo forest at the head of the Zambezi River, making it strong in strength and utterly delicious. The New Zealand Rainforest honey is sourced in the mountainous rain forest in New Zealand’s South Island and the Himalayan Highlands honey is found in the forest of the Himalayan Mountains, in the Kashmir Valleys. Both of the forests the flavours are extracted from are virgin forests, allowing an exotic taste and medium strength.

We were pleasantly surprised by the cooling sensation we felt when we tried the honeys. They are all cold pressed, 100% pure, and were selected to win a variety of stars for the Great Taste Awards.

Most would argue all honey tastes the same, however after trying the wide array of honey Ogilvy's sent us, we’ve realized that is far from the truth. From Eastern Europe to Africa and mildly to strong flavoured, no matter what kind of honey you are searching for, Ogilvy's products are sure to please your taste buds.

The Honey Tasting Collection gift box includes 4 x 42g jars and is available for purchase here, however the company offers a wide selection of other flavours on their website as well.