Self-Watering Single Potted Herb Keeper – Cole & Mason

Here at The Amazing Blog we are always looking for new and useful time-saving accessories. That is why we were intrigued when we discovered the Self-Watering Single Potted Herb Keeper from Cole & Mason.

The Self-Watering pot is a fuss-free kitchen tool that increases the life-span of your fresh herbs. How does it work? The concept is very simple; you just have to put your potted herbs in the white container over a hydro felt pad. This hydro felt pad allows the plant to absorb water through it as it is needed, as the pad is connected to a vessel that can be filled with water through the spout. Water will evaporate from the vessel at a slower rate as it is covered, meaning less time needed for you to spend watering your herbs.  It also looks lovely sitting on your kitchen benchtop, with grey and white to perfectly complement the green of your thriving herbs.

Get more life out of your home grown herbs here for £14.99.