Skin Accumax - Advanced Nutrition Programme

Here at The Amazing Blog, we strive to have healthy and beautiful looking skin all year round. The International Institute for Anti-Ageing has discovered a way to help maximise the effects of anti-ageing with their skincare supplements. They’ve created a brand, Advanced Nutrition Programme,  which has unique and exceptional products all designed to work from the inside out.

The Advanced Nutrition Programme has a wide range of skincare products, and we were lucky enough to receive their hero supplement which is the Skin AccumaxTM and contains a super-high concentration of active ingredients for people prone to problem complexion. The sachet includes 180 capsules, which are full of vitamins and phytonutrients for your skin. They suggest taking 1 or 2 capsules a day for at least 14 weeks which will feed your skin with Vitamin A, C and E, these nutrients when combined work effectively together and are more efficient than when taken individually. These vitamins also act with an incredible ingredient called DIM, which is a clever plant compound that has been patented.  

These supplements come in sachets of 60, 120, or 180 capsules and are formulated with nutrients that contribute to the maintenance of normal skin and collagen formation. It is recommended that you start with two capsules twice a day for at least 14 weeks to get maximum results. There are a variety of different skincare supplements in the range which are all unisex and targeting certain skincare needs with a variety of vitamins and minerals. 

Unlock the secret of glowing skin straight from the scientists; you can purchase Skin AccumaxTM capsules from Advanced Nutrition Programme here for £85 for 180 capsules.