‘Best Organic CBD Products 2020’

Karma Coast: Karma Organic CDB Hemp Tea

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Back at our desks after the Easter break, we thought today we’d share about one of our #amazingfinds from The Amazing Blog, particularly if you’re looking for natural products to help steady nerves, reduce stress, and give you some much longed for, uninterrupted sleep. As regular readers will know, we’re big fans of CBD products (see here) because of the numerous benefits it provides, especially the calming effect. Which is why we’d like to introduce Karma Coast  and their Organic CDB Tea.

Karma Coast was founded in 2018 and is based in Tynemouth. Their aim is to produce high-quality, organic and vegan CBD products to help improve overall wellbeing. The co-owners, Dylan Mortimer and Magdalena Dopierala, have a wealth of knowledge in cannabis sector and have over 20 years of combined experience in professional healthcare. They offer complimentary wellness consultations in their Tynemouth dispensary, either over the phone or via video link, with a mission to improve the quality of life for the local community or for further afield. Karma Coast believes that CBD products can help to supplement our endocannabinoid system and are an alternative way to create and maintain wellness. They source their hemp from a Polish organic farm in the Bieszczady Mountains, where the plants are gently harvested, dried and finely sorted by hand and their organic hemp tea is farmed without any herbicides or pesticides. They’ve developed a wide range of high-quality products, including CBD tea, coffee, oils, tinctures, vapes, topicals and hemp clothing and merchandise. Their key focus on quality has made Karma Coast the winner of five independent awards, such as Best Organic CBD Products 2020’ at the UK Enterprise Awards  and Best Organic CBD Products 2020’ at the Northern Prestige Awards.  All of their products are packaged in recyclable, compostable, biodegradable and reusable materials. 

They very kindly sent us their Karma Organic CDB Hemp Tea which is made from 100% organic hemp with full-spectrum CBD, meaning that it has all the cannabinoids, terpenes, flavanols, lipids, waxes, and chlorophylls with the regulated amount of 0.2% THC – which as regular readers will know, this amount will not get you high! However, these compounds will give you an ‘entourage effect’, which increases the benefit you get when multiple components of the plant work synergistically. These compounds also help to improve clarity and aid conditions such as anxiety, stress and sleep disorders. The potent terpenes like linalool, are known to help sleep and inflammation and studies have also shown terpenes can produce an antidepressant-like effect. This Hemp Tea is made with 100% organic, natural, allergen-free, and vegan hemp leaves with no herbicides or pesticides. The hand-picked, dried, and finely sorted leaves reserve the maximum amount of nutrients. To prepare this loose tea, use one teaspoon of hemp tea, per cup, infused with boiled water. We found that if you want a mild and deliciously fruity tasting tea, it needs to be left to brew for 3 to 5 minutes max, or if you let it steep for longer, i.e. 10+ minutes, you’ll reap more of the benefits; but it also has a deeper and slightly bitter taste – where we’d recommend adding in some honey. They suggest drinking it at breakfast time to help set you up for the day, but we preferred drinking at night, as we found it gave us a much better quality of wonderful and unbroken sleep! You can buy the Karma Coast’s Organic CDB Hemp Tea here starting from £10.00 for 30g/20 servings to £50.00 for 200g/133 servings.