
Cosmetofruit Chile

It’s no news that at The Amazing Blog we’re obsessed with skincare and ingredients. As beauty junkies we’re always on the hunt for new revolutionary products that would dismiss our latest purchases (even though we have our staple favourites…) – if there is a brand that has stood out the most for us for the last couple of months, that is Cosmetofruit and their Beauty Drinkable Elixirs. Will these Dietary Supplements be the future of skincare acting like “youth elixirs”? These Cosmetofruit elixirs are concentrated phyto-nutrients for specific health and beauty effects. Phyto-nutrients are derived from plants (Greek word “phyto” means “plant”), their role is to prevent plants from disease, insects, possible injuries, ultraviolet rays and poisons in the air and soil. Phyto-nutrients are part of the plants’ immune system. Cosmetofruit claims to boost wellness, fight free-radicals, repair skin and delay signs of aging from within. Each of these three formulas have been designed to perform over a specific cosmetic requirement – “Face Antiaging Defense”, “Luxurious Hair and Nails” and “Total Body Booster”.

At The Amazing Blog we’ve found ourselves taking a dose (with the Cosmetofruit’s 4 ml spoon) of these elixirs on a daily basis before having breakfast; and all we can say is that the intense and delicious berry taste first thing in the morning made us feel fantastic. These concentrates taste like pure berries - intense and very natural.

Cosmetofruit Chile can be purchased at SpakeNK, Michael John, Fenwick BondStreetCosmetics.



Active Honey

Raiding one's cupboards for beauty products has been the habit of women for many centuries: an array of home-made face packs, hair masks and body scrubs are at the tip of your fingers if you're prepared to get creative in the kitchen. And with expensive face creams an expense few people can justify, there's never been a better time to do just that.

Honey, a staple item in anyone's kitchen, has long been known for it's benefits: Cleopatra was famous for her milk and honey baths and the wife of Roman Emporer Nero used a honey and milk lotion on her face to keep her skin looking youthful. And so I bring you The Active Honey Company's Rainforest Honey. Originating from Chile, this wondrous sticky substance is already a phenomenon in America where sales have grown by 400% since April. Derived from the nectar of the Quillay, Tineo and Ulmo trees, native to the Valdivian rainforest of southern Chile, The Active Honey Company's Rainforest Honey contains a treasure chest of 'raw' nutritional value including an abundance of vitamins and minerals. The honey has been used for centuries by Chilean tribes for healing wounds, and the abundance of enzymes give the honey fabulous anti-ageing properties and can also help with sun damage. And if that wasn't enough, did we mention it also tastes delicious too? With subtle hints of aniseed, jasmine, vanilla, cloves, caramel and toffee it's perfect for spreading on toast or adding to your yoghurt, cereal and cold drinks.

The full range of Rainforest Honey is available to buy from The Active Honey Co website here.