Udos Oil

Udo's Choice - Ultimate Oil Blend

blog template Udo's Choice - Ultimate Oil Blend is a  product that I’ve been a fan of for quite a few years. And I’ve been trying to convince my fellow Amazing Blog-gers to take their daily teaspoons of Udos too. Alas, (until now) it has fallen on deaf ears…  they are fed up with me being a terrible bore banging the drum about putting more good oils into their bodies. Flax seed oil is my No 1 hero oil (Udo's key ingredient) and I’ll tell you why.  Having had a childhood in the wilds of Northamptonshire riding (and falling off) crazy horses I’ve sustained a whole host of injuries that keep coming back to haunt me. I’d roll out of bed each morning unable to move – hips hurting and legs not working. Then a nutritionist friend recommended taking regular amounts of Udo's Oil. And I kid you not, within 10 days I noticed a remarkable difference… and I now positively glide out of bed!

However, I want to point out that Udo's Choice is not just good for oiling damaged joints, it has a phenomenal combination of cold pressed organic oils containing Omega 3, 6, & 9 Fatty acids. These all help to make your hair and nails grow as well as keeping your skin supple and rehydrated.  I actually love drizzling it over rice or steamed veg, it tastes really nutty and delicious – in fact I’ve even made mayonnaise combining it with lemon too. To me the Omega 3’s are magical. Not only do they play an integral part in repairing our cell membranes, they also moisturise the skin from within. There are quite a few celebrity fans including top make-up artist Jemma Kidd, broadcaster Janey Lee Grace and nutritionists Amanda Hamilton. Still not convinced?

Then you should consider doing the Udos Choice 6 Week Challenge. This is when you buy two bottles of Udo's Choice online to use, and then each week they will email you with a selection of recipes ideas to give you lots of inspiration. After the 6 weeks, Udos will send you a gentle reminder to share your views and to let them know how you got on. The best bit is that as a thank you they will send you a gift voucher for £3 off your next 500ml bottle. Now that can’t be bad!  Priced at 500ml bottle £19.99, 250ml bottle £10.99 or  90 x 1000ml capsules £18.99 it is available with FREE delivery online.