Underbed Organizer

De-clutter your wardrobe with the Underbed Organiser

The arrival of London Fashion Week can only mean one thing - summer is officially over. And I, for one, am somewhat relieved. Don’t get me wrong, I love nothing more than the catwalk of summer fashion - being able to throw on a tea dress and  sandals is always a joy. But lets face it, there has been but a handful of opportunities to showcase our summer wardrobes this year, which is why I’m looking forward to packing up my flimsy dresses and denim cut-offs to make room for my chunky knits and cashmere cardis. Unfortunately, however, a decade long shopping addiction has left me with such a vast number of clothes that my poor wardrobe metaphorically groans under the enormous weight of it all.

Which is why I was thrilled to come across The Holding Company’s Underbed Organiser. It has two space saver vacuum bags inside, perfect for when you’re short on space, big on clothes. It’s pretty easy to use – simply fill with clothes (it’s also great for packing up duvets, towels, or anything bulky), and using the nozzle of a Hoover suck out the air and hey presto! as if by magic the Underbed Organiser will shrink before your very eyes. And even better – you’ll never have to pass up the opportunity of buying that must-have dress or jacket due to lack of space again!