rinkoff bakery

Crodoughs - Rinkoff Bakery

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If you appreciate a delicious treat as much as we do here at The Amazing Blog, you will have most likely already have heard about the glorious taste sensation that is sweeping the nation, the Crodough. Perhaps you may also recognise it as the ‘Cronut’ or ‘Dosant’, but yes, we are talking about the legendary hybrid pastry treat, the combination of a croissant and a doughnut.

The Cronut is an invention of the Dominique Ansell Bakery, in New York, and became so popular with our fellow dessert enthusiasts that people began to queue for hours every morning to get their teeth into one, in fact, the delicious concept proved so popular they have even trademarked the name. Thankfully there is no need to fly all the way to New York for a sweet snack as you can now get your hands on your very own Crodough from the Rinkoff Bakery based in Whitechapel, London.

The Crodough is made by frying the croissant pastry, giving a distinct layered texture. Once cooled the Crodoughs are filled with one of three flavours and then decorated. The flavours on offer are: Custard, Raspberry and Toffee Apple Crumble. All of which are wonderful, we can promise you that as we tried them all out just to bring you the most honest review possible...There was no complaining involved in the sampling session. Crodoughs are just as popular here in London as they are in New York, so to get your own make sure to get to the Rinkoff Bakery early to avoid disappointment. You can find the Rinkoff Bakery at 222-226 Jubilee St, E1 3BS and find out more information on their website.