Toothpastes and Express Oral Care Foam - Splat

Brushing your teeth; it's something you do every morning and evening, every day of your life. That's why Splat's unique toothpastes intrigued us; it may be fun to shake up this mundane routine. In addition, whitening toothpaste can often be damaging to tooth enamel, which is why Splat’s naturally whitening toothpastes are so tempting to us here at The Amazing Blog.

Splat delivers ethical professional oral care, focusing on natural ingredients that are still effective, all from an environmentally friendly factory. The toothpastes come in an array of exotic and unique flavours, so if you’re somewhat bored of the repetitive mint toothpastes, choose between berries, green tea, lavender and magnolia to name a few. Each flavour has specific ingredients that work to clean your teeth, for example, the Coconut Toothpaste contains coconut oil, cinnamon extract and thyme essential oil which all have antibacterial properties. Our favourites would have to be the Coconut, and the Sea Minerals, which deliver a refreshing and invigorating clean, but the Ginger or Chili ones sure are bound to wake you up in the morning! Splat’s Blackwood Charcoal Toothpaste is peculiar in that it is black in colour, but works to whiten teeth by removing any stains.

Splat also sent us the Express Oral Care Foam, an on-the-go teeth cleaning foam, and winner at the Beauty Shortlist Awards 2017. Liquorice, milk enzymes and aloe vera gel, amongst other ingredients, work to clean the enamel, prevent the formation of dental plaque and freshen your breath. It is ideal for long journeys, after a staining drink like coffee or red wine, or after sugary foods and drinks. All you do is spray the foam into your mouth, rinse your mouth with the foam briefly and spit it out. We are huge fans of this convenient little product.

Purchase the toothpastes here for prices ranging from £3-8, and the Express Oral Care Foam here for £6.