Zandra Rhodes: Unseen

image 8 It is finally starting to feel like summer! And not a moment too soon. Here at The Amazing Blog, we have been soaking up the sun and baring our legs in our favourite summer fashions.  Speaking of fashion, a captivating exhibition is taking place right here in London this summer. The Fashion and Textile Museum presents Zandra Rhodes: Unseen.

Zandra Rhodes: Unseen will take you on a journey into the designer's lush career and electric personality through her archives, studio, and creative pieces. Patrons receive an opportunity to view never before seen runway looks. All patrons will be amazed by the “Spectacular textiles, ravishing dresses, and her original sketches”.

image 5Going along with the launch of Zandra Rhodes: Unseen, The Fashion and Textile museum is also celebrating its 10th anniversary and opening the Zandra Digital Study Collection. Founder, Zandra Rhodes, dedicated the museum to showcase the development in the fashion industry. It helps provide inspiration, support and training for those working in fashion. The Digital Study Collection will create an education community through a collaborative project between the Zandra Rhodes Studio and the University for the Creative Arts (UCA).

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Zandra Rhodes: Unseen begins July 12 (today!) and runs through August 31. The exhibit will be open Tuesday through Saturday from 11:00-18:00 each day with the last entry at 17:15. So do not miss out! Tickets are available at £8 for adults, £5.50 for students and free for those under 12. If you are looking for inspiration and insight into the world of fashion make your way down to the Fashion and Textile Museum, and admire a woman’s work that put London on the fashion map. Visit their website for any more information and directions to the museum.

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