Matis - Vitality by M - Roll’on Energ’Eyes

A few months ago, we here at The Amazing Blog were reporting in on the range of mens skincare Réponse Homme which had been developed by Matis to sit alongside their highly successful women range (see our review here) . At the time we were struck by the intense science behind each of their products - whether for boys or girls, and therefore you can imagine our excitement to find another gem to help us in the daily battle to moisturise our skin and keep the hydration levels as high as possible- only this time, there is no battle to be waged as we have the most deliciously satisfying beauty tool at our fingertips - and it’s effects are a dream. 

The Vitality Roll’On Energ’Eyes from Matis is a tube of heaven which stands out, not just because of it’s vibrant orange/red colour palette, but because when you unscrew the lid, two things become abundantly clear. Firstly, this is no ordinary moisturiser for the delicate area around the eyes- we have three generously sized ballbearings mounted in the top which effortlessly glide over the skin, not only hydrating and toning as they go, but also massaging and cooling on their way. The second revelation is the utterly seductive fragrance, which all goes to imbue a sense of calm tranquility leaving your eyes feeling sensational.The science part of course is more straightforward, in that, by decongesting the eye contour area, we are actually stimulating the micro-circulation. Therefore hydration is maximised reducing the dark circles so the skin becomes more radiant.

The main active ingredient in our newfound friend is vitamin C, which goes to stimulate our collagen synthesis, protecting our skin, and evening out the colour tone. There are also extracts of goji berries which, being high in antioxidants, vitamins C,B and amino acids help to strengthen and regenerate the cells. So, although this glorious tube may be just 15ml, it packs quite a formidable treat into it’s compact space, but what a joy for our eyes to discover. We found it on special offer for only £15.99 here