PureLash Lash Extender & Conditioner - Jane Iredale

Full and long lashes are our favourite accessory here at The Amazing Blog, whether you're foregoing makeup or glamming up. We especially love when our lashes are lengthened and strengthened and making  our much more mascara long-lasting. That’s why we were delighted when Jane Iredale sent us their Purelash Lash Extender & Conditioner.

This multi-purpose product is the perfect way to achieve thick, long and strong lashes. It can be used as a mascara primer, adding measurable thickness and length to the lashes when used under your favourite mascara and helping the mascara to last-longer. Not only are you left with fluttery and flirty lashes, but it also allows you to use less of your mascara, therefore helping your purchase last longer. The second purpose is perhaps our favourite; apply the product to clean lashes before bed for an overnight lash treatment. The Aloe Extract and Vitamin B Complex Factor moisturises the lashes, helping them to grow stronger and healthier. Hydrolysed Wheat Protein aids in thicker growth and with the added bonus of curlier lashes. You can even use this product to condition your eyebrows if you're coveting some bushier brows.

The majority of mascaras slow the growth of the hair follices along your eyelid. This results in scarce lashes that struggle to grow, and is why the Purelash Lash Extender & Conditioner is such a beneficial product. What's more, the product is cruelty-free so as your lashes grow, your guilt won't!  If you're still somehow not convinced, think about it this way, you wouldn't skip the conditioner in your hair-wash routine, so why skip it on your eyelashes?

Purchase the Pure Lash Extender and Conditioner here for £16.00.