Matcha Green Tea

Nouri Healthy Balls

At The Amazing Blog we have to admit to some of us having a penchant for sweet treats. However, with summer coming unhealthy sugars have to go, particularly as we look at our waistlines and start thinking about getting bikini-ready. With this in mind, we’ve been testing out many sweet treat alternatives but still find that many contained high amounts of calories with added sugar. That’s when we came across newly launched food brand Nouri Health, one of our #amazingfinds towards our healthier nibbling. We’re very happy to report that our sweet tooth habit couldn’t be easier now with their range of indulgent, yet healthy, truffle balls.

Nouri Health was launched last year after the founder discovered a lack of confectionary alternatives which were completely vegan, sugar and gluten-free. Their use of simple and natural ingredients in their truffle selection gives delicious and indulgent flavours while simultaneouslyly nourishing the body. Since Nouri doesn’t use artificial ingredients and aromas, they aim to use only the freshest fruits and nuts to ensure each truffle is up to par with their taste standards.  The founder Kalina Halatcheva said: “We found that many healthy treats taste very similar (concentrated with dates and other dry fruits) and leave you searching for something more satisfying with a proper sense of indulgence. That's why we decided that our number one focus on Nouri was taste!” After winning the prestigious SIAL INNOVATION Selection 2018 award in Paris , Nouri commemorated their win by releasing a luxurious 16 count box of four flavours of healthy balls all, equally full of goodness, rich and chewy.

The Nouri Vegan Healthy Balls box contains four indulgent flavours, Chocolate & Hazel, Coconut & Chia, Matcha Green Tea and the special edition Sesame & Cardamom. While all the flavours are delicious, our favourite amongst the four is the Chocolate & Hazel truffles. Made with dates, hazelnuts, almonds and vanilla, this truffle is the perfect balance between chocolatey and nutty. For a more crunchy texture, the Coconut & Chia truffles are a sweet mix of coconut, dried apricots, sultanas and chia seeds offering a refreshing, tropical twist. The third flavour, Matcha Green Tea is a creamy, matcha flavour made with other superfoods such as pumpkin seeds, sultanas, dates, cashew paste, almonds and millet flakes. Wrapped in a gold foil, the special edition Sesame & Cardamom truffle, infused with turmeric, left us feeling satisfied without the guilt with its decadent and earthy taste. While fruits, nuts and dates are combined into the recipes; unlike other natural sugar-free confectionary alternatives, these truffles don’t have that typical identifiable fruity or date-y taste. They are just so moreish! Like us, you can now satisfy your inner-sweet tooth, as well as 'nourish your body, indulge your soul' and enjoy a 16-count-box of delicious truffles from the Nouri Health website here for only £14.95.

Let the detox begin...

If you are still nursing the remains of your New Years Eve hangover and the thought of beginning your 2012 gym regime is the last thing on your mind, why not ease yourself into your January detox with something needing a little less, well… effort.

Matcha green tea from Teapigs, dubbed the “superhero” amongst teas, is a super-concentrated, 100% natural, organic green tea powder packed full of antioxidants and nutrients. Unlike traditional green tea where the leaves are discarded once used, Matcha is drunk as a fine powder diffused in liquid so you are drinking the whole leaf and consume every last bit of goodness. Matcha tea has been drunk in Japan as part of the tea ceremony for almost 900 years and is even used by Buddhist monks to keep them alert, awake and focused during long days of meditation. One serving contains 70 times the antioxidants of orange juice and 9 times the beta-carotene of Spinach. It can also help increase metabolism by 30-40% and will provide a sustained release of energy for 3-6 hours. So, pour yourself a cup of Matcha tea and let the detox begin!

Matcha green tea can be purchased from the website here and to give you an added incentive the lovely people at Teapigs are offering a 20% off discount when you enter the promotional code MATCHAMAN (make sure you use capitals).