Montezumas Truffle Chocolate Bars

Montezuma Truffle Chocolate Bars

It’s safe to say that everyone here at The Amazing Blog has a bit of a sweet tooth. We love indulging ourselves from time to time with sweet treats, and recently we have been treating ourselves to Montezuma’s Truffle Chocolate Bars. Montezuma is known for their innovative flavours that use the best ingredients. However, Montezuma also works with Children on the Edge, a company that works to support children around the world who are ‘living on the edge’. Through their sales, Montezuma has donated thousands of pounds to help support children struggling to survive. So not only does the chocolate taste amazing, but you can feel good about supporting a philanthropic brand. Montezuma launched their Truffle Chocolate Bar Range in 2018 and we had to be the first to try it.

The Truffle Chocolate Bar range includes four chocolate bars; Milk Chocolate with Peanut Butter, Milk Chocolate with Cappuccino, Dark Chocolate with Cherry and Milk Chocolate with Coconut. These bars combine everything we love about truffles into a chocolate bar: each chunk of chocolate contains a flavoured truffle centre. First, Milk Chocolate with Peanut Butter Bar offers the classic sweet and salty combination of chocolate and peanut butter, which was absolutely mouth-watering. The Milk Chocolate and Cappuccino Bar brings together two of our favourite flavours, whilst the Dark Chocolate and Cherry Bar offers a delicious option for those looking for a dairy-free treat. Finally, the Milk Chocolate and Coconut Bar, is equally delicious, with a sweet, creamy and truly delightful taste.

No matter what flavour you choose, we are confident that these chocolate bars will satisfy your chocolate cravings. You can purchase the Truffle Chocolate Bar Range here for £2.59. Or, you can buy Gift Vouchers here for £10 or £20.