classic mint

Taylor's 32 Whitening Toothpaste

At The Amazing Blog we believe that beauty starts from the inside and nothing is more beautiful than healthy, clean and brilliant teeth. Therefore we are always on the lookout for the most effective and most natural toothpaste. We recently discovered Taylor's 32  natural whitening toothpastes. The toothpastes are in three different flavours: Classic mint, Fennel and Mint and Grapefruit and Mint.

Taylor's 32 is a brand that values and promotes a healthy lifestyle; the company strongly believes in the benefits of natural and high-quality products to provide good brushing experience. Not only their whitening toothpastes are natural but they are also free from SLS, artificial preservatives, sweeteners and abrasives.

Their Classic Mint whitening toothpaste is an intelligent mixture of peppermint and unique essential flavour oils. The toothpaste is formulated with sodium bicarbonate, silica, fluoride, xylitol and vitamin E. Together these ingredients restore the natural whiteness of the teeth, remove stains, and strengthen the tooth enamel. The classic mint toothpaste deeply cleanses the teeth while leaving a fresh and minty feeling.

The Fennel and Mint like the brand's toothpastes is enriched with Taylor's 32 unique recipe and ingredients. The toothpaste is highly effective for removing stains caused by coffee, tea or wine. After a few application teeth look whiter and more brilliant. Infused with vitamin E renowned for its strengthening and protecting properties the toothpaste helps restore teeth natural shine without harming them.

Our favourite flavour of the lot is the Grapefruit and Mint one. What an unusual yet perfect combination. As well as being as effective as the other two the blend of grapefruit and mint gives the toothpaste an extra freshness. The sensation is pleasant and agreeable in the mouth; it has a zesty and minty flavour that is at the same time refreshing and invigorating.

These toothpastes are the ideal way to start and finish your day. If you are looking for a whitening toothpaste that will give you natural white teeth without damaging your teeth enamel, do not hesitate Taylor's32 is the brand.

You can purchase the classic mint toothpaste here, the fennel and mint flavour is available here and the amazing grapefruit and mint here for £5 each.