

Day-to-day life can be stressful, besides managing core tasks and balancing a social life, we have to make a conscious effort to boost our nutrition. This is something that we’re not always brilliant at here at The Amazing Blog, so to help along, we were recommended to try Rawbiotics’ Liquid Probiotics.

Daily shots of these friendly bacteria-based probiotics work for your health, providing you with a balanced start in the day, and delivering you your daily dose of life in the easiest way possible. This 100% vegan, raw, all natural and gluten free liquid is contained in entirely recyclable PET plastic bottles. This proves the company doesn’t only care about your body being in balance, but also about sustainability and their impact on the environment. We like that they are 100% raw and natural, dairy, lactose, gluten, GMO, egg, milk and soya free. Rawbiotics also have 14 live cultures – more than any other brand!

The bacteria used are in a live liquid form, meaning they do not need to be freeze-dried in order to survive. This makes them a natural, raw and effective form of probiotic. With 14 strains contained in each bottle, Rawbiotics’ Live Prebiotics are one of the most effective liquid probiotics on the market today. Using the modern method of non-freeze drying has the benefit of ensuring that the products can be kept for up to two years, and can be stored at room temperature, as opposed to in a fridge. Additionally, once opened, they can last for up to 60 days. Delivered in two separate bottles, Rawbiotics Gut and Rawbiotics Daily both contain the same 14 strains of bacteria. What makes them different? The herbs are mixed with these bacteria strains. Both defeat the symptoms of numerous illnesses, such as diarrhoea, hay fever and bloating, as well as supporting your immune system and general wellbeing.

The main function of Rawbiotics Gut is to balance the function of your gastro-intestinal tract. It addresses diverse causes of digestive issues and restores a long-term healthy balance. Each herbal extract has its own effects on your body. Using lemon balm, peppermint, rose hip and slippery elm, this particular probiotic doesn’t only improve your digestive health, but also has positive effects on anxiety and insomnia, as it increases the levels of GABA in your brain (which controls the fear or anxiety experienced when neurons are overexcited). In addition to that, it tempers symptoms of cold and flu and supports healthy weight loss. We also tried Rawbiotics Daily Balance which aims to create, as it says, an improved balance within your whole body. Simply said, it restores natural beneficial bacteria that are needed for an optimal digestive and immune function. Herbs such as astragalus, olive leaf and rose improve your general energy and overall health, while boosting your immune system and strengthening your bones and heart. This probiotic also helps to kill infections, and can relieve both anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

With numerous excited and thrilled customers reporting their own positive experiences, we found that we had more energy, were able to maintain a healthy weight more easily and had an improved mental state. This is a revolution that we are glad we haven’t missed out on! To join yourself, then you can purchase Rawbiotic’s Probiotics here for £29.95 (per 1 litre).

The Pro Hygiene Company

BLOG IMAGE In this chilly weather there are lots of germs flying around and more of us are getting the flu. Therefore, cleanliness is important for The Amazing Blog and one way we love to keep on top of this is with the Pro Hygiene Collection. They have covered all of our ‘high-maintenance’ hygiene needs, with a Hand Sanitizing Gel, Make-up Spray and Make-up Brush Cleaner, there’s no need to spread germs if you just take a little extra care in your daily routine.

The Make-up Spray and Brush Cleaner are quietly important, and should be incorporated into our week to avoid spreading dirt from our brushes to our skin.

We all know that bacteria cover our brushes, but most of us probably didn’t know that our actual makeup suffers from residue build up too. There are certain undesirable side effects which come with not washing your brushes, but the Makeup Brush Cleaner works on natural and synthetic brushes to remove product residue, oils and pigments (yes, I was oblivious to these too). It doesn’t have that unpleasant chemical smell which comes with lots of anti-bacterial products, just a lingering lemony aroma.

When we came across the Make-up Spray, we were a intrigued as it’s not something you see everyday, and don’t necessarily know you need. Powders, Lipsticks, Pencils, you name it, it’ll clean it. So pair this with the brush cleaner and you will be bacteria free (well, almost) in no time! Say farewell to the woes of bad skin caused by nasty build ups on your brushes and products. Once you introduce yourself to these products, you will always want to keep your make-up clean. Both of them are  perfect if you share make-up with friends a lot.

The make-up cleaners are both fabulous, but a Hand Sanitizing Gel will always be my hero product, it’s a bit of a personal OCD thing but should be important to everyone. I have plenty of sanitizers in my handbag which are perfectly compact for just that, being in my bag. Desk-sized hand sanitizers though, are a different story. That was until I first used the Pro Hygiene Collection Gel. Now I am genuinely using it every thirty minutes in the office, and I’m pretty sure any bacteria will now be quietly drowning in this lovely cleaning gel. Lots of things are passed around the office on a daily basis and you never know what germs are clingy on to these, so the sanitizer just clarifies that you’re not spreading any potential illnesses.  As a light product, it effortlessly glides across your hands and wrists and best of all, it doesn’t leave any sticky gel behind to have to deal with. It’s ideal.

If you would like to invest in this wonderful collection then have a look on Feel Unique or the Pro Make-up shop. The prices range but stay affordable, the Hand Sanitizer is £5.50, the Makeup Spray is £15 and the Make-up Brush Cleaner is £9.


We all know that we should drink more water. Whether it's for fitness, lifestyle or weight loss, I'm sure most of you readers could do with a bit of extra H2O in your life. But if you're about to fill up your cup with water from your tap, then The Amazing Blog suggests you test it first with  Watersafe's Well-Water Test Kit before quenching your thirst. This quick and easy to use kit is perfect for making sure the water you're drinking is safe, and not harmful to you.  Even if your water has been through a treatment facility, it is still possible that it contains unhealthy amounts of contaminants. If you're going to be upping your intake of tap water (or bottled water) you'll want to be sure that you're not going to be doing more harm than good. The kit covers just about anything you can think of to test in your water: bacteria, pesticides, nitrates, lead, iron, nitrites, hardness, chlorine, copper, and pH. We used our Well-Water test kit to test the water here at Amazing PR and luckily we didn't find anything untoward with our sample! While our water was a bit on the hard side, we didn't find any excess copper, iron, or nitrates, and our pH was in a good range - phew! If you're worried that your water might be contaminated, things like spots on glasses, unusual smells, blue/green stains in the sink and discoloured laundry are all sign that you should test your water.

So whether you're concerned your water might not be up to par, or you just want piece of mind that it's as safe as it looks, pick up a Watersafe Well-Water Test Kit to be sure! Available from £24.99.