
Grasshopper Soups

jose's monday When I woke up this morning all I could think about was that song sung by Dean Martin “Let it snow!  Let it snow! Let it snow!” By some miracle the majority of us we made it into the office after struggling through the snow drifts (that’s dedication to  The Amazing Blog for you!) And all we can think and talk about today is food.   Yes, hot scrummy comfort food. But the question is what to transport to work in our handbags that will be warming a delicious? Annoyingly today both our local delis are closed and the super market’s shelves are looking rather bare…

All eyes alighted on the very last pot of  Grasshopper soups. We have already consumed our way through their delicious Herby Tomato & Basil, and the fruity Spicy Lentil & Coconut. There is just one left for us to all draw lots over - the Creamy Mushrooms & Chives.

These soups have proved to be very popular with all of us. They are quick, easy (just add boiling water) and very portable (carry in handbags to work and eat at desks whilst on phone to journalists!)

The winning factor for me is that all the ingredients from Grasshopper (soups AND porridges) are 100% natural. They avoid any use of artificial flavourings, colours or additives. They also have the lowest levels of sugar and salt in comparison to similar types of products. Each of the soups are only around 100 calories – so it allows you to indulge in a little of whatever else you fancy. All pots are £7.50 for a case of 6 and £1.25 for an individual pot and are available online at Grasshopper  or in store at Whole Foods, Fresh & Wild and  selected branches of Waitrose.


We all know that we should drink more water. Whether it's for fitness, lifestyle or weight loss, I'm sure most of you readers could do with a bit of extra H2O in your life. But if you're about to fill up your cup with water from your tap, then The Amazing Blog suggests you test it first with  Watersafe's Well-Water Test Kit before quenching your thirst. This quick and easy to use kit is perfect for making sure the water you're drinking is safe, and not harmful to you.  Even if your water has been through a treatment facility, it is still possible that it contains unhealthy amounts of contaminants. If you're going to be upping your intake of tap water (or bottled water) you'll want to be sure that you're not going to be doing more harm than good. The kit covers just about anything you can think of to test in your water: bacteria, pesticides, nitrates, lead, iron, nitrites, hardness, chlorine, copper, and pH. We used our Well-Water test kit to test the water here at Amazing PR and luckily we didn't find anything untoward with our sample! While our water was a bit on the hard side, we didn't find any excess copper, iron, or nitrates, and our pH was in a good range - phew! If you're worried that your water might be contaminated, things like spots on glasses, unusual smells, blue/green stains in the sink and discoloured laundry are all sign that you should test your water.

So whether you're concerned your water might not be up to par, or you just want piece of mind that it's as safe as it looks, pick up a Watersafe Well-Water Test Kit to be sure! Available from £24.99.



If you're like me you're never without a lick of nail polish on your manicured hands. Whether it's OPI, Barry M, or Essie, I feel a bit naked if I don't have a bit of colour on my finger nails. But having perfectly painted nails all the time can be a hassle, especially when it comes to taking off the polish. And I've yet to meet a girl who likes the smell of acetone. Here at The Amazing Blog there's no shortage of nail polish, adhesive nails or nail polish remover, so we'll take any help we can get! So in steps Suncoat Nail Polish Remover Gel, which might seem like a strange concept at first, but you'll get used to it, trust me. This all natural nail polish remover is perfect for on the go girls, whether it's one nail or your whole hand. Of course, being all natural it's not as quick as swiping over your fingers, but what else do you have to do when you're sitting on the tube in the morning! It's made from corn and soy and it way more gentle on your nails than regular polish which along with taking off your nail polish, can sometimes strip away some of the natural oils on your nail. Suncoat works with all different nail polishes, is not tested on animals and is vegan friendly, so you have no excuse not to try it out! Just squeeze out a small amount (you don't need a massive amount) over your nail, let it sit for about a minute, and wipe it away with a cotton ball or a bit of tissue - simple. I use at least two coats of polish when I paint my nails and I've not had any trouble removing my polish.

Check out Suncoat's full range of natural nail polish, nail polish removers and more on their website and GentleBeauty.co.uk.