
TABAC Shaving Soaps

At The Amazing Blog we love to rediscover grooming classics, and it’s time to pay due homage to a shaving classic. TABAC have been giving us boys a no-nonsense, smooth as you like, close shave, since the 1950s, and like most of the design classics from that era, the complete range stands the test of time, with the Original Shaving Soap taking their jewel in the Tabac crown... The woody, masculine fragrance is instantly recognisable, and evocative of so much male grooming history - the chances are somewhere in all our ‘shaving journeys’, this pot of sumptuous lather has played a part, even if it was from our father’s, or grandfather’s tutorials when puberty began knocking on the bathroom door.

The lather really is the key here, to protecting the skin as we scythe off those unwanted hairs, and TABAC have consistently given us this. So much so, it is quite easy to overload the shaving brush and find ourselves deep in Christmas cake icing territory, which can be totally counter-productive. Loading up the brush, however, with a generous head of cream, should be plenty to ensure a decent first and second attempt. As a lot of water is kept in the bubbles, continuous hydration is easily achieved and is important in avoiding the dreaded drag of a blade, which inevitably leads to irritation and possible soreness. Used in the right way, this shaving soap will not only give many effective shaves, but also helps to prepare the follicles for harvest time, and as we all know, prepped skin will always yield a calmer result following the onslaught of a razor.

Granted, there may indeed be slightly cheaper options on the market, but when it comes to putting our best chin forward, who is going to quibble about £13.10 for a whole 125g tub or perhaps £8 for a 10g stick. The TABAC range is a staple of the male grooming industry, you will find their goodies in most high street shops, local chemists and online from The English Shaving Company.